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Thank you, Florence and Eloise, for the love you have of the Costa Rican Rainforest!

By: Georgia Atkins / 03 May 2020
Thank you, Florence and Eloise, for the love you have of the Costa Rican Rainforest!
Just a few days ago the internet went wild watching the solution that Florence and Eloise, two young lovers of the Costa Rican rainforest created, thanks to their dream trip to Costa Rica being delayed because of COVID-19.    They recreated the rainforest in their basement with a beautiful dose of imagination and enthusiasm that was embraced by all the lovers of Costa Rica and it's amazing jungles.  Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge wants to thank Florence and Eloise for the love you have of the Costa Rican rainforest! 

Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge is one of those destinations you dream about when it comes to immersing yourself into the beauty of nature and truly experience something new. It is a sort of renewal or nourishing of the heart and soul. As we face and begin to recover from the emotional and physical effects of COVID-19, travel continues to be a shining light in moments of darkness.  The thought of waking up and being embraced by the lush rainforest brings smiles to many faces.  This is Nicuesa!

Explore the rainforest and the coastal inlets in a kayak!

Nicuesa is Rainforest! 

Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge sits on the coast of the calm waters of the Golfo Dulce.  This secluded little piece of paradise is located on the far southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica where the only close you will find is to the exuberant flora and fauna that thrive in this tropical wonderland.   After a period of "healthy distancing", to find a place to travel to where there are lots more animals than people, is reassuring.

Another good reason to put Costa Rica first on your post-COVID-19 travel list is that this little country that just seems to be able shine through, is that thanks to strong and steady leadership, a robust public health system, extensive testing and consistent civil obedience.  Flattening the curve and reducing the number of cases as been achieved and a big call out to the government and the society for pulling together to fight this virus with such success!

This means that when it is time to travel again, you can safely focus on Costa Rica and know that these exceptional times have been managed with efficiency and strength. Now that is a rather good reason to be top of the list for travel, isn't it?  Furthermore, the tourism industry will be eagerly awaiting your visit as just as the whole world, this sector has been hard hit thanks to the closed borders and #stayathome practices.

Sustainable Tourism in every possible way. 

Small, exclusive and unique! 

Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge is a small hotel and is where sustainable tourism is taken to a new level.  Not only will you enjoy an unforgettable close-to-nature experience unlike ever before, you will also appreciate how this beautiful hotel lives in harmony with its natural environment that it is immersed in.  It is a fantastic opportunity to genuinely appreciate our surroundings and to marvel at nature and its wisdom.  This new vision of the world is particularly poignant in these times when we have had to stay indoors.

When you visit Costa Rica, chances are that the boutique hotel you stay at are like the Enchanting Hotels exclusive collection of beautiful hotels in amazing corners of Costa Rica.  These are small, independent hotels that fly the sustainable tourism flag by supporting the local community, the culture and preserving the natural environment. Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge is a member of Enchanting Hotels so not only will you be staying in a beautiful place; you will also be supporting the local communities and the environment.

The rainforest is just fingertips away from your eco-chic jungle getaway. 

Animal filled rainforests! 

One of the aspects of the rainforest that Eloise and Florence most enjoy are all the animals you find.  Well, when you literally open your suite door to the rainforest you are immersed in, the sights and sounds of the fauna that inhabit this complex yet fascinating ecosystem, are just steps away.  Nicuesa wants their guests to truly understand and enjoy this diverse wonderland while being part of it.

Self-isolation has given many people the opportunity to spend time on introspection and understand what is profoundly important for a meaningful life. It has also given many of us the chance to meditate on how to live a healthier life too from a holistic perspective. Travel is one way many of us grow as a person as we learn about other cultures and enjoy the thrill of visiting new environments and natural surroundings.

Nicuesa is healthy for the body and soul

Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge invites you to build on those thoughts when it comes to travel too.  To delight in farm to table dishes made from ingredients that are freshly picked and locally produced, feel nature up close whether it be the rainforest or on the water and enjoy time standing still while listening to the sounds of nature.  You deserve a wellness experience to restore and refresh.

Costa Rica is a popular tourist destination without a doubt and consistently appears in the Top 10´s for best adventure travel, best country to visit, etc. The reassuring thing during these times of uncertainty and changes in our behavior is that when travel begins again, Costa Rica offers a number of top reasons for visitors.   In these times, when tourism has been so hard hit, to see hope through the eyes of two young wide-eyed travelers like Florence and Eloise, it is inspirational and means we can dream too!

Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge has taken all the necessary health and safety precautions during these exceptional times and looks forward to sharing the Nicuesa Experience again soon for all the Florence´s and Eloise´s in the world!  Why don´t you start looking at some freedom travel dates and immerse yourself in the Costa Rican rainforest where close is with nature!

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